The People Governance Institute


We are an European organisation which believes that sustainable People Governance is a Human-centric approach that strongly Uses and Releases all the potential of its stakeholders, workers, leaders and board members, all together, to achieve the objectives of the strategic business plan.

Historical contributor to the concept of People governance as a branch of corporate governance, we work to remain the professional European reference through our scientific contributions, expertise and advice.


The Advisory Board fulfills an Ethical, Scientific and professional role. It is composed of professional and academic members.

As a Knowledge Center, it analyses and defines the objectives, components the impact and outcomes of People governance.

This approach aims to incorporate the latest methodological and scientific developments related to Sustainable People governance.

It gives its opinion and provides expertise on the legal, organisational performance, social risk management and corporate collaborative performance issues related to People governance.

The advisory board wishes to enrich corporate governance trough People governance by strengthening all stakeholders in their collaborative role.

H-User Advisory Board Permanent Members

Michel Grisay (Hoffman) - Shirley Minet (Council European Union) - Didier Lorent (H-User) - Lut De Poorter (DLPLawyer)
Lahcen EL Hiki (Umons) - Serge Hubert (H-User) - Johan Vanden Eyden (VDLegal)


The Advisory board advises the Institute in the development of three main axes:

- The Knowledge center
By Giving advice, ethical and scientific support in the context of pedagogical and methodological design of masterclasses , seminars, symposia, conferences, thematic round tables.
By Giving critical analysis on current topics connecting people governance to corporate governance, the contribution of boards to People governance, CSRD maters, Organisational performance, Corporate Collaborative performance, Cultural leadership Architectures, Legal and social matters…
By contributing to the design of opinions surveys, reports and articles.

- External representation
Each permanent member of the advisory board is an ambassador of the Institute. As such it contributes to its reputation and develops its relations in society.

- Academic relations
The vocation of the council is also to maintain good relationships with the academic world and develop joint projects.


People Governance is an integral component of the corporate governance value chain.
It represents a holistic approach to performance management that integrates several key elements:
1. Board awareness
2. Ethical leadership
3. Organizational performance
4. Sustainable social risk management
5. Corporate collaborative performance

This comprehensive system yields two major outcomes:
1. A culture of trust
2. Enhanced stakeholder accountability

People Governance addresses multiple facets of an organization's operations, spanning from board and leadership conduct to technological decisions. Its ultimate aim is twofold:
1. To foster business success
2. To achieve strategic sustainability goals
This approach recognizes the interconnectedness of human factors, ethical considerations, and organizational performance in driving sustainable corporate governance.


Boulevard Louis Schmidt 119 bte3 - 1040 Bruxelles - Belgium

© Huser Institut 2024